Category: Teachers

Tadpoles teacher Jennifer Hearn nominated for Ignite! Award

Tadpoles teacher Jennifer Hearn nominated for Ignite! Award

By Mary Cady Bolin in Teachers on September 19, 2024

At Fannie Battle, our teachers are the backbone of what we do. They continually go above and beyond expectations, giving selflessly to our children. We are able to provide what we do for children because of the care and dedication of our teachers.

This summer, Tadpoles teacher Jennifer Hearn was nominated for Educator of the Year at the Ignite! Awards, and we couldn’t be more proud to showcase the amazing teacher that she is! In her recommendation letter, Executive Director Kristie Ryan noted that Jennifer shows children that their curiosity is worth her attention, and we see that daily in the ways that Jennifer engages with her students. She is often on the floor with them- right at their level- promoting a lifelong sense of discovery and wonder.

As we begin this new school year, we want to extend our deepest love for Jennifer and every one of our teachers! Thank you for all you do!