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Happy Holidays from our Interim Executive Director

By bhadmin in General on December 13, 2019

Greetings to the Fannie Battle Board of Directors, Families, Staff, and Community Supporters


An important Fannie Battle tradition, Caroling for Kids, happens during the month of December when there is an outpouring of community spirit and generosity. This event began over 100 years ago when Miss Fannie Battle struggled to generate adequate funding to keep the day home open. Caroling for Kids remains one of our most vital pieces to our fundraising efforts. As caroling groups are formed, going door-to-door throughout our city, a new awareness of Fannie Battle’s existence, mission, and services is created.

As a child with older siblings, I could hardly wait until I was old enough to join Christmas Eve caroling in our neighborhood. Each year the neighbors looked forward to the carolers and greeted us warmly. Afterward, we gathered for hot chocolate in the warmth of our church basement. I believe that Fannie Battle continues to provide that kind of warmth and security to our families. This experience of my formative years has had a lasting place in my heart and led me eventually to discover other ways to be involved with Fannie Battle.

After my retirement from an Early Childhood Education career of 30+ years, I became more actively invested with Fannie Battle as an advisor, volunteer, member of the Board of Directors, and currently serve as Interim Executive Director.  There are many challenges and benefits that come each day as we work to fulfill our mission of service. Watching the expressions of joy and anticipation on the faces of the children as they enter each day; observing staff as they work to nurture, comfort and motivate our children; and knowing that families leave their children with us each morning with confidence that they will be kept safe while away at work or school is one of the most rewarding parts of this new role.

It is heartwarming to observe the outpouring of love and generosity that comes from many businesses, individuals, and organizations in our community – including volunteers that show up to help in the day-to-day events of our program. I especially appreciate those who participate in Fannie Battle’s holiday festivities through helping our staff provide food, gifts, cheer, and volunteer assistance during our holiday events.

My wish for each of you is that you and your family will experience love, peace, joy, and good health throughout the holiday season.

Holiday blessings,

Evelyn Hale
Fannie Battle Interim Executive Director