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News Report: The Childcare Crisis – Why Affordable Childcare Is Out Of Reach For So Many People  (Time Magazine Oct. 2019)

News Report: The Childcare Crisis – Why Affordable Childcare Is Out Of Reach For So Many People (Time Magazine Oct. 2019)

By bhadmin in General on October 29, 2019

“The burden of childcare beleaguers economic growth on two fronts, tamping down the productivity of citizens as well as pushing more of them onto taxpayer-sponsored programs such as SNAP (formerly known as food stamps), WIC (benefits for low-income mothers) and TANF (welfare). Cruelly, it’s usually the more impoverished who find it most difficult to afford childcare and thus advance their careers and become more prosperous, further stymieing economic mobility. But perhaps the most damaging punch that unaffordable childcare is dealing to the U.S. economy is its diminishing of future generations. Young Americans are having fewer children—the 2018 birth rate was the lowest in 32 years—and according to a survey conducted by Morning Consult for the New York Times, the expense of childcare is the No. 1 reason.”

Read more about this in-depth coverage of The Childcare Crisis